Wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) power met over 15% of Italy’s power demand in the first half of 2019, shows the latest monthly report by power grid operator Terna SpA (BIT:TRN).
Total demand for the six months reached 157.3 TWh, down by 0.6% year-on-year. Solar power generation grew by 9.8% to 12.55 TWh, while wind farms produced 11.21 TWh, which is 16.1% more than in the first half of 2018.
The share of all renewables for the period arrived at 36%. When hydropower is excluded, that share is almost 22.5%.
The table contains details on generation by the different renewable energy sources in Italy.
June saw a 30% drop in wind power generation, year-on-year. While wind output remained near 2.4 TWh in each month of the first quarter, it has been on the slide in the second quarter. In June it fell to 0.99 TWh from 1.65 TWh in May. Solar power generation, as can be expected, reached its highest level so far in 2019, producing 2.94 TWh of power in June.