As Apex Wind Energy works to complete the Republic wind farm in Seneca and Sandusky counties, a group that opposes the project scheduled a new meeting.
Seneca Anti Wind Union will meet at 5:30 p.m. Tuesday at the Camden Falls Reception and Conference Center, 2460 Ohio 231 in Tiffin.
The Republic Wind project would consist of about 80 wind turbines in northern Seneca County and southern Sandusky County, in an area between Bellevue and Tiffin, according to the project’s website. The wind turbines would be about one-quarter mile to one-half mile apart.
State Rep Bill Reineke, R-Tiffin, Seneca county commissioners Mike Kerschner and Greg Smith from SAWU all will speak, said Deb Hay of SAWU.
The Republic Wind project seeks authorization from the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, but the application has been put on hold while Apex makes changes in the application.
“We have found a few opportunities to amend our proposed turbine layout for Republic Wind. We have been working with OPSB to update our permit application for the project with this new layout, which we believe will be even more amenable to the members of the Seneca County community as a whole,” the Republic Wind website states, referring to the Ohio Power Siting Board.
The hearing schedule for the application has been postponed, said Matt Butler, a spokesman for the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio.
“The case is on hold until Republic Wind files some proposed modifications to its project … the ball’s kind of in their court at this point,” Butler said.
Hay said she believes Republic Wind has struggled to obtain enough leases to carry the project out as originally designed.
The wind farm would be in York Township in Sandusky County and Adams, Scipio, Reed, Pleasant and Thompson townships in Seneca County.
The wind farm project became a campaign issue in the House District 88 race for the state representative for Seneca and Sandusky counties, which pits Reineke against Democrat Rachel Crooks.
Crooks said Thursday during an appearance on Decision 2018 at the Sandusky Register that state officials in Columbus and local residents both should have a say in wind farm siting decisions.
“Local voices are underrepresented,” she said.
Reineke has sold the Seneca Anti Wind Union that he opposes weakening the setback requirements for wind turbines, as proposed in a bill currently before the Ohio General Assembly.
“We are grateful to Rep. Reineke, Seneca County commissioners Mike Kerschner and Senator Burke for understanding that we have rights and for being willing to protect them,” Hay said, referring to state Sen. Dave Burke, R-Marysville.