For five years, the output of the solar panels on my roof has declined steadily. In 2018, however, it has already passed record levels in mid-November. In May, June and July, output was 50% above average; September and October were also good.
This demonstrates the quixotic nature of British weather – but also the benefits of the flexibility of the government scheme that pays homeowners for the surplus electricity they produce.
The connection to the grid provides the other side of the bargain, paying for the electricity drawn on dull days and at night. As the cost of solar panels has decreased, the government has reduced the amount it will pay for this surplus. Despite hiccups, the formula has helped solar power become a significant part of the UK’s energy mix.
Now, however, there is a growing sense of betrayal in the industry because the government has decided that, from April, when people install new systems, it will no longer pay for the surplus electricity they produce, even though they have no alternative but to be connected to the grid. While this will encourage people to use as much of their own electricity as possible by installing batteries and heating water, the changes could kill the industry and have been likened to theft.