Solar energy will be the focus of Monday’s Town Board meeting.
The board will consider a resolution calling for a Feb. 25 public hearing, part of the board’s next regular meeting, on the introduction of Local Law 1 of 2019. The legislation is entitled “Solar Energy Systems, Chapter 134.”
A Florida company called NextEra Energy Resources wants to build an 80 megawatt solar facility in the town. The company is rumored to be eying 200-500 acres in the area of Pre-Emption, Serven, Packwood and Border City roads.
The proposed local law would provide guidance as to the installation of residential, small-scale and large-scale commercial solar installations in the town. It defines such facilities, based on acreage, with large-scale projects to be located on non-prime farmland with marginal soil quality. It also includes a requirement that developers post a bond for 20 years, with a renewal after 15 years, to protect against a project being abandoned once it stops producing electricity.
Also Monday, the board will consider a motion notifying interested agencies of the town’s intention to be lead agency in the State Environmental Quality Review process.
Monday’s agenda also includes:
• A motion to remove Robert Dwello as a Planning Board member and Michael Toombs as alternate Planning Board member, effective immediately. That would be followed by a motion to appoint Toombs to fill Dwello’s term, which expires Jan. 31, 2025.
• Supervisor Don Trout will discuss the possibility of the town taking ownership of a new road in a potential housing subdivision off Route 96 proposed by Joseph Dendis. Trout has said he will recommend the town take ownership of the road once at least $2 million worth of new homes are built. Dendis is proposing around 30 homes, valued at $250,000 to $300,000 each, for the subdivision.