The president of Alis, Guido Grimaldi, said ”we will bring zero emissions in ports, thus respecting port communities and keeping cities clean”. Grimaldi was speaking at the event ‘Zero-impact mobility: the green future’, organized by Alis (Logistic Association of Sustainable Intermodality). He explained that ”mega lithium batteries equaling the capacity of over 5 megawatt-hours” (the equivalent of the batteries of 90 Tesla cars) have been installed on some ships to charge them when they dock ”without the need to operate diesel-generators and thus reaching the zero-emissions target in ports”. Grimaldi also said that, in order to charge such batteries, the power peak of waves is used as part of interventions that will ”increase performances from an environmental, social and economic standpoint”.
Starting in May 2020, ”our cluster will receive 12 huge hybrid ships powered by lithium and able to guarantee zero emissions inside ports thanks to the ‘eco’ mode. Their garages will be able to load 520 trucks, about double the capacity of current hybrid ships deployed in the Mediterranean”, continued Grimaldi. For Alis, he said, ”the important challenge for the country is to make sustainable mobility the driving force of change for our companies”.