Butterfly Ventures invests in the seed stage startups from Finland, Nordics, and Baltics. As a young venture capital (VC) firm with a €30 million fund, they also chose to ensure that all their operations are carbon neutral on an annual basis.
Juho Risku, CEO of Butterfly Ventures, said that the company was surprised when they learned they were the first VC firm in Finland to eliminate their carbon emissions.
“When we looked into this, we also discovered that we might be the first in Europe because we couldn’t identify any firms on the Nordic or European level who were carbon neutral,” added Risku.
“Venture is a contact sport, it requires plenty of footwork, meeting people, digging the most talented entrepreneurs out no matter where they are, and as a result, there’s a lot of travel,” said Risku. “It felt [..] bad to contribute to the catastrophe, and we figured out we must do something.”
Ben Fletcher, CPO & co-founder, Velocity2, says he believes that everyone is thinking about this and taking steps to be more sustainable. “[..] I don’t know of people that have taken the leap to being fully carbon neutral [..], but there are many people with sustainable business models.”
Total, the French utility and gas giant, announced in 2019 that their VC fund was entirely dedicated to carbon neutrality and will have an investment capacity of $400 million within five years by 2025.
“Total’s corporate VC fund commitment refers to their investment thesis, i.e., what kind of companies they are going to invest to, not the fund’s operations or operations of their portfolio companies,” said Risku. “A significant proportion of our portfolio companies are contributing towards this goal, but in our case, we’re talking about eliminating our operational emissions as well as helping our portfolio to do the same.”
It just isn’t enough to focus on investing green anymore. VC firms have to look at the operations of the industry on the whole.Juho Risku, Butterfly Ventures
“Typically, when companies are talking about carbon neutrality, they are just offsetting their emissions over time, and it’s hard to claim carbon neutrality by just offsetting over time,” said Risku. “You fly now, emissions are released now, but the tree is calculated to do the work over the next 50 years, and for that period, there’s a carbon surplus in the air.”
Risku says it’s challenging to guarantee that something like a forest is still standing after 50 years.
“It’s also difficult to guarantee that an emission offsetting project is not replacing investments that would have taken place in any case,” said Risku. “I don’t want to say that these offsetting schemes would be bad or useless, they’re a big step in the right direction, but we realized that this environmental emergency requires a more immediate approach, and we can say we’re truly carbon neutral.”
“I have always believed that venture capital is one of those industries that may change the world for better by shaking existing economic structures,” said Risku. “Adjusting the world towards where the value is quicker is one of the most important functions of the venture from society’s point of view.”
We don’t have a five-year plan to be carbon neutral; we are doing this immediately. And we want to help our investment companies do the same.Juho Risku, Butterfly Ventures
“While cleantech is an important element in our investment thesis, roughly third of the deal flow being in the space, and I [..] believe the net carbon impact of our portfolio is already negative, i.e., reducing more than it’s producing emissions,” said Risku.
Risku adds that the transformation costs of carbon neutrality are comparably low at the moment.
“In addition to time and money to plan and reduce the emissions, which in our case is maybe one-off investment type costs of 1-2 thousand euro per employee, it’s the cost of emission permissions and trading costs that add 0,5-1,5 thousand euros per employee per year to the mix,” said Risku.
“I can’t claim that the carbon neutrality of our operations will change the world alone, especially as even in our case, our investments probably play a much bigger role in the greener future, but we’re hoping it will set an ambitious enough example for others,” added Risku.
“A dream come true here would be that we would be starting a carbon-neutral operations trend within the VC industry that would perhaps even end up being prerequisite of certain investors to invest into those funds,” said Risku.