After a recent indicator spot-check, we are noting that shares of Albemarle Corp (ALB) are showing a 7 day ADX signal of Buy. This signal is generally used to determine the market trend. The 7-day average directional strength is Weak. This trend strength indicator measures the signal based on historical performance where minimum would represent the weakest, and maximum would indicate the strongest. The 7-day ADX direction is currently Weakening. This signal shows whether the Buy or Sell signal is getting stronger or weakening, or whether the Hold is heading towards a Buy or Sell.
Individuals invest in order to get a return on the investment. Nobody enters the equity markets with the hope of losing money. Returns on investments may come in different forms. With any stock investment, there may be some level of risk involved. Understanding the risk is important and should be considered very carefully. Of course, the stock may go up and become a winner, or shares could sour and turn into losers. Returns in the stock market may often mimic the amount of risk. Generally speaking, the greater the risk, the greater the reward. With the greater chance of reward comes the greater chance of losses. Keeping a balanced and diversified portfolio can help manage the risk associated with investing in the stock market.
Checking in on the 20-Day Bollinger Bands signal, the current reading is Hold. This short-term indicator may be used to help spot oversold and overbought conditions. The current direction of the signal is Falling.
Investors may be interested in viewing some other important technical stock indicators for Albemarle Corp (ALB). Investors are often focused on share price support and resistance levels. The support is simply a level where a stock may see a bounce after it has fallen. If the stock price manages to break through the first support level, the focus may shift to the second level of support. The resistance is the opposite of support. As a stock rises, it may see a retreat once it reaches a certain level of resistance. After a recent check, the stock’s first resistance level is 104.88, and the second resistance level is 106.71. On the other end, investors are keeping an eye on the first support level of 101.6, and the second support level of 100.15.
Turning the focus to earnings, we note that Albemarle Corp (ALB), for the most recent period, the company posted quarterly EPS of 1.36. The trailing 12 month earnings number is currently 5.08. The company’s EPS growth over the previous quarter clocks in at 4.62%. The EPS metric is frequently used to measure a company’s profitability based on each outstanding share of common stock. When a company reports earnings results, the majority of the attention is on whether or not the EPS estimate is hit or missed. Wide gaps between estimates and actual reported figures may result in above normal stock price fluctuations after the earnings report.
Focusing in on some other data, we can see that the stock has a weighted alpha reading of -18.90. The weighted alpha gauges how much the stock has increased or decreased over the period of one full year. The weighting puts higher emphasis on more recent activity providing a more relevant measure for short-term technical analysts to use. A positive weighted alpha reading indicates that the stock has risen over the past year. A negative reading would indicate that the stock is down over that same time period. Technical traders often use the weighted alpha to help discover stocks that are building momentum.
Investors are usually scouring the markets for that next great stock pick. Locating that special winner to jumpstart the portfolio may involve lots of diligent hard work. Filing through the massive amounts of data regarding public companies can be an overwhelming task. Many successful investors will approach the equity markets from various sides. This may include keeping a close eye on the fundamentals as well as the technical data. This may also include following sell-side analyst opinions and tracking what the big money institutions are buying or selling.