Sell-side analysts covering shares of Sociedad Quimica Y Minera S.A. (SQM) have given a one year price objective of 55.49. Compared to peers in the Chemicals – Major Diversified industry and Basic Materials sector, we can see that Sociedad Quimica Y Minera S.A. performed better than 88% of their peers over the past month, better than 15% over the past two weeks, 64% over the past quarter and better than 11% over the past year. Relative Strength is a measure of price growth that indicates how a stock is performing relative to the rest of the market. It is a numerical measurement expressed as a percentage. Sociedad Quimica Y Minera S.A. Shares have moved 13.22% for the week, -0.93% for the month, 5.01% for the quarter and 5.01% for the past year.
Investors are constantly trying to make smart moves in the stock market. Taking stock of personal strengths and weaknesses can help the investor attack the market with heightened focus. Often times, individuals may fall into traps that could have been avoided. Coming up with a sound investment plan and setting realistic expectations may help the novice investor become better prepared and focused. Positive returns are attainable with the proper preparation and dedication. Investors working with a longer-term plan might be approaching the stock market from a completely different angle than a shorter-term trader. Investors who plan to be in the market for a long period of time may not be as concerned about the day to day fluctuations as short-term traders.
F Score & Beneish
Sociedad Quimica Y Minera S.A. (SQM) has been given an F-Score of 6.00. The score was developed by Joseph Piotroski, a professor of accounting at the University of Chicago, after whom it is named.The F-Score is a financial score that is used to screen for high quality stocks, in terms of their fundamental value, based on nine financial parameters. The parameters are tied mainly to profitability, leverage, liquidity, and overall operating efficiency of the company. As the F-score measures the financial health of a firm, stocks with a high F-score of 7 to 9 are considered to be safer investments than those with lower scores. Stocks with scores under 5 would be considered avoidable using this method.
Sociedad Quimica Y Minera S.A. has a Beneish M-Score of -5.28. The M-Score is a sophisticated calculation used to determine the probability of a firm manipulating their financial reports. In short, a number greater than -1.78 is bad, smaller than -1.78 is good.
There is no easy answer when attempting to address the tough question of how to best approach the equity market, especially when facing a turbulent investing climate. There are many different schools of thought when it comes to stock trading. Investors may have to first gauge their appetite for risk in order to build a solid platform on which to construct a legitimate strategy. The wealth of available information has made the road a bit smoother to travel for amateur investors. Making the transition to the next level is most likely on the minds of many dedicated investors. Tracking technicals and fundamentals may also help provide a roadmap to help separate the contenders from the pretenders. As we head into the second half of the year, it remains to be seen which way the market will lean. Investors may have to do all the necessary homework in order to find stocks that will thrive under any market conditions.
In looking at some key variables, we note that Sociedad Quimica Y Minera S.A. (SQM) has a price to earnings ratio of 24.93 and current year earnings per share of 1.75. In terms of ratios, the stock has 21.50 return on equity, 11.00 return on assets and a current ratio of 3.64. ROE is a profitability measure of investments. With ROE, higher values are typically sought after. A high ROE points to the ability of a company to effectively generate income on new investment. Many investors will monitor ROE values in conjunction with other ratios in order to obtain a broader sense of a company’s competency. Investors often compare ROE of firms that operate in the same industry. Investors may also track the historical ROE trends over time in order to expand their frame of reference. ROA shows how effective the firm is at using their total assets to generate profit. Investors often use the ROA figures to help cross-examine businesses within the same industry. This financial ratio can even become more useful when comparing it to the industry average or other marks like return or historical performance. Investors may feel more comfortable picking shares to add to the portfolio after thoroughly combing through the fundamentals. EPS is an important metric used to determine the common shareholder’s portion of the company’s profit. Earnings per share measures each common share’s profit allocation in relation to the company’s total profit.
Sociedad Quimica Y Minera S.A. (SQM) boasts a market cap of 11590m and last touched 43.62 on a recent bid. Shares moved -2.13% or -0.95 in the most recent session on dollar volume of 19837980.
When it comes to equity investing, being too confident may be just as detrimental as not being confident enough. Many investors may think they are making all the right moves when the markets are riding high. This may be the case, but sometimes it might be good fortune. Finding confidence to make trades in down market environments may make the difference between a good portfolio and a great portfolio. It can also be quite easy to confuse skill with a long-term bull market. Many bad decisions may still get rewarded when the market keeps heading higher. On the other end of the spectrum, having too much self-doubt may leave an investor with way too many what ifs. Managing confidence in the markets may play a pivotal role when making tough investing decisions. Finding that perfect balance between the needed gusto and the correct amount of caution may help ease the burden moving forward in the equity market.