Researchers work toward harnessing ocean energy to power devices
Tsunamis, hurricanes, and maritime weather are monitored using sensors and other devices on platforms in the ocean to help keep coastal communities safe—until the batteries on these platforms run out of juice. Without power, ocean sensors can’t collect critical wave and weather data, which results in safety concerns for coastal communities that rely on accurate maritime weather information. Replacing batteries at sea is also expensive. What if this could all be avoided by powering devices indefinitely from the energy in ocean waves?
Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) researchers are working to make this a reality with the development of a new cylindrical triboelectric nanogenerator (TENG)—a small powerhouse that converts wave energy into electricity to power devices at sea. Larger versions of this generator could be used to power ocean observation and communications systems, including acoustic and satellite telemetry.
“TENGs are low cost, lightweight, and can efficiently convert slow, uniform or random waves into power—making them particularly well-suited to powering devices in the open ocean where monitoring and access are challenging and costly,” explained Daniel Deng, a PNNL laboratory fellow and co-developer of the new TENG device.
Deng and his team took a novel approach to advance cylindrical TENGs for use on the open ocean. Their patent-pending frequency-multiplied cylindrical triboelectric nanogenerator (FMC-TENG) uses carefully placed magnets to convert energy more efficiently than other cylindrical TENGs and to better transform slow, uniform waves into electricity. So far, the prototype FMC-TENG has been able to produce enough electricity to power an acoustic transmitter—a type of sensor often included on ocean observing platforms that can be used for communications. This is about the same amount of electricity it takes to power an LED lightbulb.
“We’re developing the FMC-TENG to power everything from ocean observing platforms with multiple sensors to satellite communications, all using the power of the ocean,” said Deng.