Turns out, a name that you have to slowly sound out in your head before attempting to say it out loud isn’t exactly the perfect name for a company. That’s one way to look at the rebranding that EVelozcity announced this past week when it became Canoo.
In short, the company’s message is as follows: “Liberating you from the tyranny of auto ownership and the conventions of what a car is. A grown-up EV. Not for sale.” What that means in non-promo speak is a subscription service in urban areas for four different electric vehicles models for you to use as you like. Canoo says it has a plan to release “four distinct models optimized for the explorer’s lifestyle, ride sharing, deliveries and commuting” within the next three years. Those four models will not be your standard CUVs and sedans, but an all-electric skateboard platform with different kinds of “pods” on top to maximize interior space. Canoo says that it’s designs, “will look like nothing on the road today by challenging the norms of space and function, as well as offering a lean User Interface.” Canoo said its lifestyle vehicle, for example, “will have the exterior footprint of a compact car, with the interior space of a large SUV.” Canoo says:
There is no need for electric vehicles to look like traditional cars, yet today they still do. Canoo plans to change that. Canoo is creating an all-new uncompromising EV design that looks and offers functionality that is nothing like the cars on the road today.”
The new name is meant to conjure images of an elongated boat, Canoo’s Stefan Krause said in a statement. “We picked Canoo because it sounds distinctive, looks cool and creates a feeling of both relaxation and movement,” he said. “For thousands of years, a canoe has been a simple, sustainable transportation device used all over the world.”
Canoo – actually EVelozcity – started 15 months ago and currently has 350 team members. It plans to build its vehicles in the U.S. and China through contract manufacturing.
With plans to launch its first vehicle in 2021, Canoo isn’t ready to talk pricing just yet. It does say that today’s cars, “have a laundry list of coverage, service plans, roadside assistance, and more — each provided by separate suppliers. Where does the buck stop? With Canoo, every problem is ours to handle.”
Once it gets cars on the road, of course.