A spinoff from Solar Impulse, a company going by the short name of H55, has successfully flown its maiden flight in a new electric two-seat airplane. Using an electric propulsion system manufactured by BRM Aero, the Bristell Energic airplane is perfect for pilot training and flight schools. It’s exciting to see the Solar Impulse foundational work now leading to a commercially available electric aircraft, and potentially soon an air taxi.
The 2-Seat Electric Bristell Energic — Perfect First Plane
The H55 opens a new era of urban air mobility (UAM). The Bristell Energic is based on an entire propulsion chain that H55 expects to get CS 23 certified (that’s aerobatic and commuter airplane certification). A press release explains how everything from the energy source and its management, thrust, power, pilot interface, and control systems was an in-house adventure.
According to H55, the electric 2-seat aircraft is a perfect flight trainer airplane that received much interest from flight schools eager to cut down on maintenance and gas costs. It also received thumbs up from local airport resident associations and aviation authorities favoring its quiet operation over that of a gasoline or jet airplane.
The Bristell Energic is a clean, quiet, cost-efficient, and safe aviation solution for those wanting to get into flying or simply puddle-jumping around the country. With a flight endurance of about 1.5 hours, that leaves 45 to 60 minutes of cruising, ample for typical flight training programs.
André Borschberg, former CEO and Pilot of Solar Impulse, as well as H55’s Co-Founder and Executive Chairman, told us that:
“Electric air transport will deeply transform and improve urban mobility. Electric propulsion has enabled the world of drones, it will do the same for aviation. The Bristell Energic is a stepping stone for the development of such new aviation transport solutions, where the challenge will be safety and certification. By having our electric airplanes fly and monitoring their performance, H55 will continue to build up big data essential for the development of VTOLs and flying taxis.”
Electric Air Mobility Ushering UAM With the BRM Aero H55
BRM Aero is stepping into the new trainer market looking to maximize the benefits of electric propulsion. Founder and CEO Milan Bristell sees the company growing as a major airplane manufacturer as “the emergence of civil aviation in large markets such as China and India requires pilot training with a real flight trainer with a maximum take-off weight equal to or above 750 KG.” Going on: “The market is impatient for an electric airplane and our goal at Bristell is to be able to respond to this with a flight trainer which is clean, quiet and affordable to operate.”
Founded by André Borschberg, Sébastien Demont, and Gregory Blatt, all part of the former Solar Impulse senior management team, the H55 calls Switzerland its home as it opens the way to electric propulsion and clean aviation.