Clean energy has been the focus of many sectors, from technology to transportation. Around the world, governments are tapping into renewable sources to fuel the growing demand for energy. As a result, more solar parks, wind farms and hydroelectric power plants are being built.
Renewables are sources of energy that can be replenished using naturally occurring processes.
Common renewable energy sources are solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and hydropower.
Renewable energy — A bespoke concept
However, not all countries have the same potential for clean energy or the right environment for certain energy infrastructure. Each harness the environment according to its unique surroundings, and not all nations have the same policies.
More countries pledge to reduce their carbon footprint
As the energy race is bolstered by international goals such as the Kyoto Protocol, the Paris Agreement and the U.N. Sustainable Development Goal for Affordable and Clean Energy, more and more countries are aiming to bring their carbon footprint to zero by 2050.
As the world shifts to renewable energy, economic and population growth mean global energy demand will continue to increase. Renewables might be the key to not only meet the demands of today, but also tomorrow.