The Energy & Natural Resources Market Reports has been published today. It provides updated in 2018 year analysis of energy & natural resources industries.
This study covers the development of different battery chemistries including lead-based, lithium-based, sodium-based, nickel-based, zinc-based and flow batteries. The study also analyses the application sectors that employ these batteries, mainly automotive, healthcare, telecommunications, consumer electronics and utility-grid, and the innovations occurring in each sector. Also included are recent events with regards to technology management strategies, and a technology roadmap summarizing the growth of battery technologies between 2015-2020.
A zinc-based battery is a mature technology that employs zinc as the cathode. The zinc-based battery segment is largely dominated by primary type batteries, especially zinc-carbon and zinc- manganese dioxide (alkaline battery). Rechargeable zinc-based batteries is still a niche segment and a nascent market, with most developments concentrating on rechargeable alkaline battery or zinc-air.
The lead-based battery is one of the oldest rechargeable batteries in the world. The lead-based battery industry has invested a huge amount of money in research and development to compete with newer batteries (such as lithium-based and nickel) to improve functionalities, such as, start-stop functionality, and to combine lead-based battery with different technologies (for example supercapacitors), especially for automotive applications.