Elgin is one of 22 communities in the Chicago area that will be participating in the SolSmart program, which should make it easier for residents and businesses to switch to solar power, officials said.
Technical assistance on solar energy development will come from the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus, which has been selected to serve as a SolSmart advisor, a news release from the city said.
“SolSmart provides necessary technical assistance to help us improve our permitting processes at the local level,” Mayor David Kaptain said. “This makes solar more easily accessible to homeowners and businesses, and makes our community more attractive to potential new businesses and residents.”
SolSmart is funded by the U.S. Department of Energy Solar Energy Technologies Office and led by The Solar Foundation and the International City/County Management Association, according to the release.
It provides communities a template for a standard installation permit for solar power equipment that’s aligned with national standards, codes and best practices, the release said.
The caucus will consult with Elgin and the other towns on ways to speed up local solar development. Through the program, the communities will have access to resources from the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 134 and the Illinois Fire Inspectors Association, which can help train staff to evaluate and inspect solar installations, the release said.
Towns also will receive guidance on adapting zoning codes to remove barriers to solar development and engaging and educating local residents and businesses on the advantages of using solar energy.