With roughly a decade left to avoid locking in dangerous climate change, swift action is required to identify where the greatest emissions are coming from and then rapidly decarbonize those sources. The most effective path to decarbonization is cutting fossil fuel consumption, but developing and urbanizing countries require new energy and efficiency technologies – making clean energy research and development (R&D) critical.
The good news is that advances in the last two decades have cut renewable energy costs, making new renewables cheaper than operating existing coal power in many parts of the world.
Consider solar photovoltaics, which date to the 1950s, but were too expensive to be used commercially for many years. In 1977, the price per watt of crystalline silicon solar cells was $76.67, but over time, R&D drove down prices, making more commercial applications for solar feasible. This accelerated deployment, starting a feedback loop that further reduced prices. Solar cell prices per watt reached $0.26 in 2016, a decline of 99.6% in 39 years.
Every time the world’s solar power has doubled, the cost of solar panels has fallen about 22%. This trend is apparent in the United States, where utility-scale solar deployment rose exponentially as prices fell 90% from 2009 to 2017.
The bad news is that many countries are not investing in R&D, thereby starving future generations of the next set of options . For example, U.S. energy companies spend less than 0.5% of their sales on new technology R&D. This contrasts with information technology (R&D is 20 times higher as a fraction of sales) and pharmaceuticals (almost 40 times higher).
Overcoming the “Valley of Death”
Without getting serious about inventing future energy technologies, energy will become a burden on economic productivity, particulate pollution will continue to cut short millions of human lives, and global warming will worsen. But accelerating technology development without wasting money can be a challenge.
R&D fundamentally involves speculation and experimentation – even with perfect policy incentives, many research projects never reach commercialization. Sometimes technical or scientific issues interfere, sometimes the marketplace changes, and sometimes a more innovative approach makes a project obsolete before it can be commercialized.
Strong R&D support policies are crucial early in the lifecycle of a technology, before it reaches market, when other policies (such as performance standards and financial incentives) can take over. In particular, many research projects find it hard to acquire funding to overcome the “Valley of Death,” the gap between basic research and early commercialization. This presents an opportunity for particularly high-leverage R&D policy support.
Clean energy research and development: Risk and reward
This reality demands that policymakers and investors tolerate risk and research failures – if you don’t have any failures, then you will not find true successes. Sometimes government may be rewarded for taking on this risk. For example, the U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) clean energy loan guarantee program achieved a $30 million profit from 2010 to 2013, despite backing several unsuccessful companies.
Fortunately, several proven methods can dramatically increase the rate of R&D success, and a handful of best practices can help energy technologies advance from the laboratory to the marketplace .
Create Long-Term Commitments for Research Success
Performing research and developing new technology are lengthy processes, and years may elapse after the start of R&D before technology may be sold commercially and earn a profit. Support for R&D must be robust and continuous over the long term to encourage companies to invest in the personnel and equipment needed to drive innovation.
Use Peer Review to Help Set Research Priorities
To help guide funding priorities, governments should involve the private sector, which can bring crucial expertise regarding the technologies, markets, scalability, and technical challenges associated with early-stage technologies. Bringing this experience to bear on funding decisions can help ensure that government R&D dollars are spent wisely.
Use Stage-Gating to Shut Down Underperforming Projects
Because R&D is inherently risky and can involve a lot of time and resources, it is useful for firms or governments funding R&D to review projects periodically and ensure they continue to be worth investing in. Stage-gating is the process of establishing certain milestones that projects must hit before they are given additional funding. Projects that fail to meet critical milestones may have their funding and personnel redirected to more promising research.
Concentrate R&D by Type or Subject to Build Critical Mass
Concentrating funding on a specific topic in more focused, granular institutions, possibly co-located with one another, is an efficient way for governments to fund and support R&D. This allows researchers working on similar technologies to share information and work together while avoiding inefficiencies that can arise from spreading funding for similar research across many different institutions. Done well, this approach also helps establish “innovation hubs,” such as California’s Silicon Valley, which has become the premier global location for software and information technology innovation.
Make High-Quality Public Sector Facilities and Expertise Available to Private Firms
Many countries have already invested in expensive, high-tech equipment for R&D purposes, often owned by the government. One way to improve government and private sector R&D is to allow businesses to partner with government-owned labs to conduct research together. Partnering with the government can help private companies overcome some of the cost barriers that prevent them buying their own equipment and conducting advanced R&D.
Protect Intellectual Property without Stymieing Innovation
Intellectual property (IP) protections must carefully balance the need for companies to earn a return on R&D investment against the tendency for patent protections to result in costly litigation that can stymie innovation. On one hand, if patents are not protected, then any firm can use research results in its own products, reducing or eliminating the incentive for firms to engage in R&D. On the other hand, patent systems have given rise to patent assertion entities, who do not innovate themselves, but rather use the legal system to extract fees from innovative companies who they claim violate often-vague and overly-broad patents.
Second, in some domains (such as information technology), existing patents are numerous, and the need to use underlying technologies is so universal (e.g., to achieve interoperability with other systems or hardware components) that avoiding infringement while achieving innovation may be impossible. Designing appropriate IP protections is complex. Some advocacy groups have thought carefully about patents and devised principles that can be used to develop suitable patent protections.
Ensure Companies Have Access to High-Level STEM Talent
A highly educated labor force is key to successful R&D. Companies and government-owned research facilities need a large pool of researchers to draw on with strong backgrounds in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). To attract this talent, policymakers can establish top-quality education programs and ensure immigration laws allow companies to hire STEM talent from other countries.
Clean energy R&D in action: The U.S. Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy
The U.S. established a new R&D funding agency in 2007, seeking a highly effective way to fund research into energy technology and bring new technologies from laboratory to market: the Advanced Research Projects Agency–Energy (ARPA-E).
ARPA-E’s approach was modeled after the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, a hugely successful government R&D operation that played a key role developing technologies we use every day, including GPS satellites, packet-switched computer networks, and the internet.
ARPA-E focuses on funding research projects that are too early to attract private sector funding (such as venture capital) but that have the potential to rapidly advance and achieve commercialization. Thus, they span the gap between basic research and product development.
Funded projects must be transformational: They must have the potential to “radically improve U.S. economic prosperity, national security, and environmental well-being.” Projects must have specific, proposed applications toward products or processes that could be commercialized, and the agency provides resources for research teams on how to seek commercial funding and proceed down the path of commercialization to follow up their grants.
ARPA-E also adopts a nimble funding structure, making funding decisions quickly and relying on program directors who are experts, often from industry, and who “serve for limited terms to ensure a constant infusion of fresh thinking and new perspectives.”
ARPA-E has distributed $1.5 billion in R&D funding to more than 580 projects since funds were first disbursed in 2009. Many recipients have gone on to form new companies and partnerships with other funding entities. Advances have been achieved in grid-scale and flow batteries, electric vehicle systems, power flow and grid operations, power electronics, advanced materials, and more.
Investing in new clean energy R&D pays dividends
A robust pipeline of new energy technologies is crucial for countries to continue meeting energy demand and expanding the economy while transitioning to clean energy.
With smart policies to promote R&D, national governments can strengthen their technological prowess and economic position, attract R&D investment, improve energy security, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.