Additives to the electrolyte make them work from -40 ºF to 140 ºF (-40 ºC to 60 ºC)
The next big thing on battery tech is undeniably related to solid-state technology. Even John Goodenough – father of the lithium-ion batteries – is researching them. But it seems regular li-ion will also be perfect in what depends on PNNL (Pacific Northwest National Laboratory) scientists. They have managed to increase the working temperature range of these batteries, which now work well from -40 ºF to 140 ºF (-40 ºC to 60 ºC).
What was the magic, you may ask? Additives to the electrolyte. In fact, lots of them.
The electrolyte is the element that allows the electrodes to react with each other. Depending on the temperature, it can be more or less efficient, hence the advantage of EVs with battery thermal management.
What the researchers from PNNL achieved was to combine multiple additives that allow the batteries to work well in temperatures in which they normally wouldn’t.