Four more companies have joined EP100, The Climate Group’s global leadership initiative for energy-smart businesses committed to doing more with less.
Dubai-based consultancy AESG, Canadian engineering company Armstrong Fluid Technology, Australian superannuation fund Local Government Super, and British design studio Foster + Partners have all committed to own, operate or develop net zero carbon buildings by 2030. The companies made their pledges through the World Green Building Council’s Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment – one of three commitment pathways for members of EP100.
The EP100 initiative is delivered in partnership with the Alliance to Save Energy. It brings together leading companies committed to using energy more productively to lower greenhouse gas emissions, generate financial savings, and accelerate a clean economy.
Jenny Chu, Head of EP100, The Climate Group, welcomed the new EP100 members: “Committing to energy-saving efforts is a win-win for slashing emissions and boosting the bottom line.”
She added, “By putting energy productivity improvements at the heart of their strategies as members of EP100, these companies will be well on their way to achieving net zero carbon buildings by 2030 – inspiring many more to follow suit.”
To meet its Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment, AESG is targeting a 5% annual reduction in scope 1, 2 and 3 carbon emissions from a 2019 baseline, as well as exploring on-site and off-site renewable energy options. The company is also working net zero principles into all its design projects going forward.
Saeed Al Abbar, Managing Director, AESG, said, “We hope that in providing a pathway to net zero on all of our projects, we will be able to help stimulate the transition to decarbonizing the global economy in line with the Paris Agreement goals.”
Armstrong Fluid Technology sees that energy-saving makes sense financially for its business and for customers. In addition to owning and occupying net zero carbon buildings, the company is providing solutions to the market through its products and services, and educating building owners on opportunities to reduce carbon emissions.
“Improved performance does not have to come at a premium price,” said Charles Armstrong, Chairman and CEO, Armstrong Fluid Technologies. “Reaching Net Zero and assisting our customers in meeting their own sustainability objectives is our primary work.”
A new Advancing Net Zero Status Report by the World Green Building Council shows there are now 51 signatories to the Net Zero Carbon Buildings Commitment, which has grown rapidly in its first year.
In addition to 22 businesses and organizations and 23 cities, the signatories also include six leading state and regional governments – all members of the Under2 Coalition, for which The Climate Group acts as Secretariat.
Working to keep global temperature rises to well below 2˚C, these governments are aiming to operate their public buildings at net zero carbon by 2050.
For example, Scotland’s commitments cover 2,700,000 buildings. Current plans energy efficiency plans include:
- Raising US$1.3 billion by 2021 to spend on tackling fuel poverty and energy efficiency;
- Incentives and programs including loans for renewable energy technologies and the Home Energy Efficiency Program;
- A framework for improving domestic standards for owner-occupied and rented properties to achieve an Energy Performance Certificate rating of C or above by 2040;
- A benchmarking standard for energy efficiency standards in particular types of buildings;
- Deployment of alternative heat technologies for buildings not connected to the gas grid or heat networks, and policy reviews relating to the gas and electricity network.
“We are inspired by the leadership action demonstrated by the early signatories to the Commitment,” said Cristina Gamboa, CEO, World Green Building Council.
“Reaching this significant milestone of over 50 signatories demonstrates that businesses are recognizing the value net zero buildings present to their operations; and policy makers are acting on the responsibility to their citizens to provide more efficient and healthier buildings for us to occupy every day.”