Britain, the birthplace of coal power, has for the first time, produced more electricity from zero-carbon sources such as wind, solar and nuclear than from fossil fuel plants.
Britain was the first G7 country to commit to reaching net-zero emissions by 2050 and in November will host the United Nations’ international climate talks in Glasgow.
“As we enter a new decade, this truly is a historic moment,” said National Grid Chief Executive John Pettigrew, referring to the company’s latest data.
The data shows wind, solar, hydro, nuclear and imports produced about 48.5 per cent of Britain’s electricity in 2019 while fossil fuels such as coal and gas contributed about 43 per cent. The rest came from biomass.
Renewable power produced more than a quarter of the country’s electricity in 2019, up from only 2.3 per cent in 1990.
Britain’s windy coastlines in particular have proved to be an ideal host for large wind projects, with the northwest coast of England home to the world’s largest offshore wind farm, Orsted’s Walney Extension.