Green Energy
How closely monitoring households’ energy data can unleash their solar outputs and (possibly) make them more money
Almost one in three Australian households have solar panels on their roofs. Most are motivated by rising electricity prices and environmental concerns.
Households are paid a so-called feed-in tariff for surplus energy they export to the grid. While customers would love to get paid for every bit of energy they’re able to export to the wider grid, operators have imposed a fixed or “static” limit on how much energy each household can export. This helps keep network voltages—or electric pressure—within a safe range.
The limits are needed because of uncertainty about the impacts on the network of fluctuations in households’ energy use and exports.
The network is connected to households via “low voltage” transformers that reduce the voltage to a level customers can use. The uncertainty arises because operators can see what’s happening at each transformer, but not what’s happening in each household.
We are working on a data-monitoring project to enable network operators to see household voltage and current data in real time. The idea is to enable them to manage network voltage fluctuations more precisely.
This could allow households to safely export more solar, depending on local network conditions. People would arguably receive more money while speeding up the transition to zero-emissions electricity by providing more renewable energy to the network.
Managing a tricky transition
The electricity network was originally set up for “bulk” generation from centralized power stations. The flow was in one direction from coal, gas or hydroelectric stations to energy users, including households.
However, economic forces and aging systems mean many of these power stations are being rapidly retired. They’re being replaced, in part, by so-called “distributed energy resources.” These resources include rooftop solar, household or community batteries, and electric vehicles.
The household export limit to the network is usually around 5 kilowatts (kW), regardless of time of day or what households are generating or consuming. But, because of the falling cost of solar, 10kW residential systems (capable of producing twice the export limit) are increasingly common.
The Australian grid operator, AEMO, envisages distributed solar generation will make up 69GW of network capacity by 2050, compared to around 21GW now.
Integrating this energy generation is a big challenge for the energy market, transmission and distribution network operators.
The Australian Standard for household voltage has “allowable” and “preferred” operating zones around 230 volts. Keeping the voltage within these zones is better for energy efficiency and appliance life.
But when energy flow is “two-way” and unpredictable, both to and from houses, it becomes more challenging to keep the voltage within these zones. When lights flicker or appliances are damaged, that’s a sign the voltage is outside these safe limits.
How much household data do operators need?
If the operators could see household voltage and current data in real time, they might be able to set “dynamic” limits on households for the import and export of energy. That means limits are allowed to fluctuate depending on local network conditions, instead of being static. Households might then be able export more energy overall than they do now.
A long-term project of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency, Project SHIELD, aims to answer a key question here. That is, how much data do operators need to allow this flexibility, while still safely co-ordinating energy flows to and from the grid?
The project involves The University of Queensland, network operators and the private sector. A project partner, Luceo Energy (an offshoot of a company that formerly employed one of the authors), working with Energex, Ergon and Essential Energy, has rolled out 20,000 devices in households across Queensland that collect their energy data at one-minute intervals.
Smart meters installed in Victoria typically record energy data every 30 minutes. The new devices measure multiple electricity parameters, such as voltage and current, every minute.
This creates extraordinary amounts of data, which can be used in electricity studies and simulations. It also creates storage and analysis challenges.
The data collected are used to answer “what if?” questions. If an operator had perfect knowledge of conditions at every house attached to a transformer, they could create a safe dynamic limit. But would it still be safe if they could see the data for only 50%, or even 20%, of houses?
World-first simulation systems developed by Queensland company GridQube enable the operators to answer such questions. Data collected by the devices provide a key input.
Several representative locations and time periods have been chosen to see how network visibility can affect the envelope. The local network is simulated using a “power flow” with different network parameters, such as voltage. Then the key questions around safe limits can be answered.
Benefits for both consumers and operators
Of course, this is only one level of the electricity network. We still need to build considerable amounts of high-voltage transmission to integrate increasing distributed energy resources. This will help provide a reliable and secure power supply.
The data generated by Project SHIELD will inform electricity modelers and data scientists about what is happening at the household level (both electricity usage and solar generation). It can improve forecasting and modeling as data on this scale have not been previously available.
As the roll-out of devices and gathering of data continue at speed, operators can start to relax the limits on household solar energy exports. Greater visibility of local networks offers clear benefits for both consumers and operators.
Not a ‘panacea’: UK lawmakers play down hydrogen’s role in net-zero shift
Hydrogen has a part to play in the U.K.’s shift to a net-zero economy but its role will likely be restricted to certain sectors, according to a report from an influential committee of U.K. lawmakers.
The House of Commons Science and Technology Committee concluded that although hydrogen possessed “several attractive features, most of the evidence we have received was clear that with current technologies, it does not represent a panacea.”
“As the UK looks to transition to a Net Zero economy, hydrogen will likely have specific but limited roles to play across a variety of sectors to decarbonise where other technologies — such as electrification and heat pumps — are not possible, practical, or economic,” the report, which was published Monday, said.
Described by the International Energy Agency as a “versatile energy carrier,” hydrogen has a diverse range of applications and can be deployed in a wide range of industries.
One method of producing hydrogen uses electrolysis, a process through which an electric current splits water into oxygen and hydrogen.
Some call the resulting hydrogen “green” or “renewable” if the electricity used in the electrolysis process comes from a renewable source such as wind or solar. The vast majority of hydrogen generation today is based on fossil fuels.
Monday’s report sought to temper expectations about the role hydrogen could play in slashing emissions and the transition to a net-zero economy.
“To make a large contribution to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the UK, the production of hydrogen requires significant advances in the economic deployment of CCUS [carbon capture, utilization and storage] and/or the development of a renewable-to-hydrogen capacity,” it said.
“The timing of these is uncertain, and it would be unwise to assume that hydrogen can make a very large contribution to reducing UK greenhouse gas emissions in the short- to medium-term.”
Committee chair Greg Clark said that there were “significant infrastructure challenges associated with converting our energy networks to use hydrogen and uncertainty about when low-carbon hydrogen can be produced at scale at an economical cost.”
“But there are important applications for hydrogen in particular industries so it can be, in the words of one witness to our inquiry, ‘a big niche’,” Clark added.
Industry group Hydrogen Europe did not immediately respond to a CNBC request for comment.
Big plans, big challenges
Over the past few years, major economies and businesses have looked to the emerging green hydrogen sector to decarbonize industries integral to modern life.
During a roundtable discussion at the COP27 climate change summit last month, German Chancellor Olaf Scholz described green hydrogen as “one of the most important technologies for a climate-neutral world.”
“Green hydrogen is the key to decarbonizing our economies, especially for hard-to-electrify sectors such as steel production, the chemical industry, heavy shipping and aviation,” Scholz added, before acknowledging that a significant amount of work was needed for the sector to mature.
“Of course, green hydrogen is still an infant industry, its production is currently too cost-intensive compared to fossil fuels,” he said. “There’s also a ‘chicken and egg’ dilemma of supply and demand where market actors block each other, waiting for the other to move.”
Also appearing on the panel was Christian Bruch, CEO of Siemens Energy. “Hydrogen will be indispensable for the decarbonization of … industry,” he said.
“The question is, for us now, how do we get there in a world which is still driven, in terms of business, by hydrocarbons,” he added. “So it requires an extra effort to make green hydrogen projects … work.”
Could a giant solar array in the Sahara resolve our energy needs?
Renewable energy is an essential factor in Europe’s goal of becoming the first carbon-neutral continent. The climate crisis and the soaring price of natural gas have placed renewed emphasis on the need to transition to a low-carbon energy system.
Europe is on its way: of the 2,664 TWh of electricity produced in Europe in 2020, 34% was provided by renewable sources. But while renewable energy is abundant, you still need to build the infrastructure to capture it.
To meet Europe’s total energy demand with renewables alone would require a large number of infrastructure projects. Each of these would compete with other land uses, such as residential and industrial developments, agriculture and nature.
There is, however, a large empty space with ample amounts of renewable energy nearby: Africa’s Sahara desert. Could one giant solar array there replace Europe’s energy generation?
“If all the engineering, environmental and political challenges are fully addressed, then yes, sufficient energy can be generated in the Sahara using solar plants to cover a large fraction of the EU’s current electricity demand,” says Mahkamov, a professor of Mechanical and Construction Engineering at Northumbria University.
“Considering that the total area of the Sahara is estimated to be around 9.3 million km2, and that it has an average insolation of 263 W/m2, and taking into account the current level of development and efficiency of today’s solar power technologies, then yes, the Sahara desert does present a huge potential for generating similar quantities of electricity, although with seasonal fluctuations,” he explains.
But the devil’s in the detail.
Sun, sand and solar power
According to Mahkamov, before we can build a giant solar array in the Sahara, we must first research the long-term environmental and social impacts that covering such a vast area with photovoltaics would have.
Then, there’s the issue of installing a large, critical infrastructure in such a remote and oftentimes harsh environment. A Sahara solar installation would also likely face a number of maintenance problems related to the detrimental effect of ongoing sandstorms and the continuous movement of sand across the desert.
Furthermore, unlike the solar panels installed on a roof, solar megaplants have a range of unique requirements. “The conversion technologies must be diversified, and the deployment of a combination of different technologies is also needed to achieve robustness in energy production and full utilization of an intermittent solar irradiation spectrum,” adds Mahkamov.
Another issue that cannot be ignored is that building a mega solar installation in the Sahara would still leave Europe wholly dependent on foreign energy imports, and vulnerable to all the problems that come with such dependence.
The advantage of starting small
Mahkamov says the focus should be on expanding the solar infrastructure right here in Europe—a process that can start by installing solar plants in the vicinity of our own homes.
As part of the Innova MicroSolar project, a consortium led by Mahkamov developed a high-performance, cost-effective concentrating solar power system for small-scale, on-site electricity and heat generation. Instead of one giant array, imagine thousands of much smaller ones.
“The system has the potential to provide the highest energy savings in southern EU countries, covering all electricity demand in some,” he concludes. “When used in a single-family dwelling, it reduces CO2 emissions by 70 to 95% in southern locations, and about 30% on average in other countries.”
Heavy-duty trucks drive clean hydrogen to the next level
Thinking of buying a battery to help power your home? Here’s what you need to know
Batteries are undoubtedly part of our energy future. Should you put one in your home now to store solar output, manage your energy use and cut costs? It really depends on what you want to achieve.
Studies in 2017 and 2021 identified key motivations for installing home batteries:
- using your own solar energy
- good for environment
- independence from the grid
- saving money.
With these goals in mind, our research suggests it’s hard to justify buying a battery right now on cost savings alone. If other reasons also matter to you, it might be justified.
Using your own solar
More than 30% of Australian homes have solar systems. They typically generate more than is needed during the middle of the day, less than is needed during morning and evening demand peaks, and nothing at night.
If you don’t have a battery, when you need more power than your solar system generates it’s imported from the grid. You can also export surplus energy to the grid and be paid for it.
But, as solar capacity grows, the maximum power new solar system owners are allowed to export is being limited in many locations. And if too many people in your street are exporting, the local voltage will go high and solar inverters will curtail generation.
One way you can avoid curtailment is by shifting some of your energy use to the middle of the day. Significant loads that could be shifted include:
- water heating
- pool pumps
- air conditioning
- appliances such as dishwashers, clothes washers and dryers
- electric vehicle charging.
If you still have surplus generation, it can be stored in a battery and used later to reduce the energy you import from the grid to cover loads you can’t shift. The energy you could transfer via a battery each day will be whichever is the minimum of your excess generation and the amount you normally import. For example, if you have 3 kilowatt-hours (kWh) of excess generation in a day but import only 2kWh to meet your overnight loads, the maximimum energy you can transfer via a battery is 2kWh.
The graph below shows an example of the energy that could be transferred each day of a year, averaged over 40 houses at Lochiel Park, a precinct of low-energy housing in Adelaide.
For these households, a battery with an 8kWh capacity could handle the energy transfer most days. However, the average energy transferred each day is only 4kWh because some days have low surplus generation or low overnight demand. Households with large solar systems and large daily energy imports from the grid can transfer more.
The battery itself will limit rates of charging and discharging. If you are generating more power than it can handle, some of the surplus will be exported or the solar output could be curtailed. If your load is more than it can handle, you will need extra power from the grid.
Environmental benefits
Storing surplus solar energy and using it instead of fossil-fuel energy from the grid will have environmental benefits.
Most home batteries are lithium-ion batteries. Despite concerns about the environmental impacts of a lithium-ion-led energy revolution, efforts are being made to reduce these impacts.
Other ways to reduce environmental impacts without a battery include:
- use less energy, and shift your load to match your clean energy supply
- choose a green retailer or buy GreenPower.
A 2017 study found nearly 70% of respondents wanted to eventually disconnect from the grid. Remote households have done it for decades, but need large solar systems and large batteries backed up by diesel generators and gas for heating and cooking.
Being connected to a grid has significant benefits. When not generating enough solar power you can get energy from somewhere else. And when generating more than you need, you can send the surplus somewhere else that needs it. Connecting many loads to many generators increases flexibility and efficiency.
A home battery can let you run your home when the grid fails, but you may need extra equipment to isolate it from the grid at such times. Being off-grid means you may also need to manage your battery differently to keep enough energy in reserve to meet your needs during outages.
Saving money
You could use a battery to reduce costs in two ways:
- store surplus solar energy during periods of a low feed-in tariff (the money you receive for exporting energy to the grid), then use it later instead of importing energy when the price is high
- join a virtual power plant (VPP).
Let us explain further.
The cost of electricity varies throughout each day, depending on demand and on available generation. If you have a meter that records when energy is used, time-of-use and dynamic tariffs will allow you to make the most of price fluctuations.
If the difference between your feed-in tariff and your peak import price is 40c/kWh, each kWh of solar energy you store then use during the peak period saves you 40c. The graph above showed an average daily transfer of 4kWh, saving $1.60 per day. But this household requires an 8kWh battery, costing about $9,600. The payback period is over 16 years – beyond the warrantied life of the battery.
In 2017 we simulated battery use for 38 houses with solar to determine the viability and payback period. Each dot in the graph below indicates the payback period for a particular household with given battery size. The horizontal axis shows the annual surplus energy it generated.
The payback period is better for smaller batteries, which cost less, and for houses with larger annual export.
We assumed a price difference of 40c/kWh between import price and feed-in tariff. We also assumed a future battery price of $600/kWh – we are not there yet (unless you can get a generous subsidy).
The other way of reducing the payback period, and supporting the grid, is to join a virtual power plant (VPP). A VPP is a network of home solar batteries from which the electricity grid can draw energy in times of need.
VPP operators typically offer discounts on the battery cost, its management to take advantage of the retail tariffs on offer, and payments for allowing them to use your battery to trade energy on the electricity markets. Subsidies and payments vary across VPPs.
Other options might be a better bet at this stage
Understand why you want a battery before you start looking. There are other options for making better use of your solar generation, getting clean energy and reducing your costs.
If you have a large solar system, high grid imports and can get a good subsidy, or if you just want cutting-edge energy technology, then you might be able to justify a battery.
If you don’t have solar already, the economics of a solar system with a battery can look attractive. But the solar panels will provide most of the savings.