The global market for battery energy storage systems (BESS), used for stationary applications, is set to grow by a rate of between 18 and 36 per cent per year and will be dominated by lithium-ion batteries, a recent study published by German Fraunhofer Society finds.
Decentralised systems will soon gain importance over centralised systems, like pumped storage hydro stations, the research organization emphasises in the paper, which was published alongside the Batterieforum Deutschland conference 2018 in Berlin.
Currently, the BESS market size is a “few” Gigawatt Hours (GWh), which is very small compared to the already existing market of batteries for electric driven vehicles (more than 50 GWh).
Fraunhofer Society estimates that the share of BESS applications among all battery applications will grow from around 3% to 10%.
BESS applications store electrical energy on a large scale within an electrical power grid. Electrical energy is stored during times when production exceeds consumption, and returned to the grid when production falls below consumption.
Batterieforum Deutschland, an annual event, aims to highlight all the varied activities along the value chain of batteries in Germany and to connect businesses.