Veolia Water Technologies (Veolia) has successfully produced battery grade lithium hydroxide monohydrate using brine from Australian-based resources company Anson Resources’ Paradox Brine Project in Utah, USA.
Anson is developing the Paradox Basin Brine Project for recovery of valuable chemicals from a unique salt brine resources in order to supply lithium chemicals to the rapidly growing battery market. It will also produce high value byproducts including bromine, iodine, and boron.
Anson is now able to design a plant for producing both battery grade lithium hydroxide monohydrate and lithium carbonate from lithium hydroxide solution, to meet future market demand, according to an ASX announcement.
Anson is also advancing the recovery and refinement of other chemicals to produce additional high value products from iodine, bromine and boron also contained in the brine. The recovery and processing of these chemicals would provide multiple revenue streams for Anson.
Using innovative direct lithium extraction technology and conventional flow sheets for all other processing, Anson will extract lithium from brine rapidly to produce high purity products. No evaporation ponds are required in the process, saving massively on CAPEX, OPEX, space, and processing time.
The company is progressing with the design and engineering of the industrial scale in-field pilot plant.