Sauer Energy Inc.® (SEI), developer and manufacturer of the patent pending WindCutter® vertical axis wind turbine (VAWT), announced today that it has just been informed that there is a 300 turbine system order forthcoming from North Wind Power, Inc. “North Wind,” of Newfoundland and Labrador in Canada. Canadian local townships and the national government of Canada are of one accord and the funding is being arranged now.
North Wind is purchasing the turbines as their main Canadian solution for off-grid remote communities and more. The communities being in favor of wind turbines and the government not having to build and maintain a new grid makes this project ideal for all. Everyone gets what they need in a way that is most advantageous.
The instant reduction in diesel fuel consumption and the one-time cost for turbine system and installation will reflect ecological and economical responsibility. In fact, the price for energy generation will be able to decrease as time passes, whereas, the cost of fuel is subject to increases.
“We are very pleased to see the culmination of our alliance with North Wind. The Canadian group looks forward to the positive impact that these units will make. This is a first order and they say that the demand is enormous in Canada. This is an instance when wind can have an economic advantage due to our technological advancements, robust construction and the vast abundance of wind in Canada. That is what we were striving for: to make a difference,” commented Dieter Sauer, CEO and President of Sauer Energy.
This is an exciting time at Sauer Energy! Generating one’s own energy in remote communities is expected to be a welcome experience. Sauer Energy is grateful to have been chosen to participate with North Wind Power on this project. The Sauer Energy team is setting up for the production run.